Jihun Ha 

Bridging your Digital Business

Digital Advisor - 

From Digital Solutions, Innovation to Transformation

Business Design / Product Platform / Go-to-Market Strategy / Business Development / Product Localization & Customization / Local Partnership / Sales Pipeline / Pricing Model / Innovation & Venture Hub / Tech Hub

Jihun Ha

디지털 산업의 의미는 사용자의 실질적 체감이 가능할 때 비로소 부여된다는 믿음하에, 단순히 니즈 충족과 문제 해결 및 서비스 제공의 수준을 넘어서는, 사용자에게 감동의 형태로 전달될 수 있는 사람 중심의 가치 제공을 추구합니다.

오랫동안 당연시 여겨지고 있는 방식과 형태에 끊임없이 의문을 제기함과 동시에, 빠르게 변화해가는 세상 속의 다양한 현상을 해석하며, 체계적이면서도 창의적이며 감각적이고 끈질기게 지정된 목표를 달성합니다


Industry Experience

Retail / Agile Supply Chain / F&B / IoT / Mobility / Traffic / Aerospace / Defense / Finance / Fintech / M&E / Commerce


Work Experience

BXT Group

이루온INS (EluonINS)

네이버시스템 (Neighbor System)

포도 (Podo)

지오드림 (GeoDream)


Skills / Roles

Digital Strategy

NOT IT strategy. Focusing on business performance improvement by creating new products or reshaping business models and processes, and specifying direction and tactics to achieve competitive advantage.

Business Framework

There are many different Business Framework Tools based on different purposes, different goals to achieve and different expectations which helps to narrow down from high-level business ideas to the detailed action plan.

Project Management

Responsible for breaking down initiatives into actionable tasks within limited time, resources and budget. Leading, coordinating and communicating among teams to ensure the project is ready according to timeline.

Product Management

In the intersection of business, user experience and technology, understanding needs to set the roadmap, and communicating with the team and stakeholders to execute valuable, usable and feasible products.

Program Management

Responsible for collaborating with cross-functional teams & projects, managing senior stakeholders and resource negotiation for programs, and helping teams mitigate risks in a time and resource-efficient manner.



Business Model

A well-defined business model and revenue model helps your digital business to operate efficiently, remain competitive in the market, and deliver higher profits in the right manner for maximum ROI.

Business Process

The change in today is more centered around customer expectations, technological advancements and market shifts. Businesses that want to remain competitive need to be able to adapt to these changes.

Digital Product

The reason why digital products are rising is their efficiency and convenience, that not only your customer can benefit from, but you and your work execution. With a fast pacing industry and a lot of tasks to complete.

Agile Framework

The journey to Agile organization, moving to an agile operating model is tough, especially for traditional organization. it should be comprehensive in that it touches strategy, structure, people, process, and technology.

Design Thinking Approach

Discovering new insights, defining problems worth solving and creating options from incremental to radical. Design Thinking is an iterative process in which we seek to understand the user and redefine problems.

BXT Group

Considering market expansion to South Korea?
More than half of entire economy here still waiting for Go Digital with Global!


BXT Group, as a bridge for market entry, providing:

Digital Services

Digital Services include from small digital solution to innovation and mega digital transformation as a consulting service. We help clients to start a digital journey at South Korea.

Business Development

It’s difficult to set up the team or find local vendors at the beginning in South Korea locally for your business development. We are the right provider for it.

Bridge for Innovation Hub

Each country has different types of Innovation Hub to help startups, SMEs and Big names. We can be the strong supporter and bridge of your hub for South Korea market.

Bridge for Technology Hub

It doesn't mean that we are building Tech Hub. We are bringing clients to the right Tech Hub who needs more engineering services in South Korea market. 


Visit BXT Group Website for more details - https://www.bxtgroup.co/


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Digital: Business / Experience / Technology

A lot of clients are looking to move their operations to the digital space, but our research has shown that 73% of digital transformations fail. This is often due to a lack of understanding of important factors such as an organizational DNA, culture, R&R, capabilities, and operating model. This is also a common challenge in the South Korean market, where traditional industries still account for over 50% of the market.
However, this also presents a significant opportunity for go-digital

Not IT, but Digital. Looking at the digital industry as distinct but closely related 3 domains: Business / Experience / Technology. 


As a Digital Advisor with the BXT Group, I offer comprehensive services across three key domains of digital:

Digital Business

I can help our clients analyze their current business and develop a roadmap for the future. This includes creating a new digital business model and strategy.

Digital Experience

To drive digital business success, focusing on understanding and solving the user's problem. I use a design thinking approach and analyze both qualitative and quantitative data to deliver the best results.

Digital Technology

We must not stay in traditional IT development. I can help to bring your IT into the new digital emerging technologies for more efficient and profitable ways.

Providing Digital Services in full coverage from digital solution to digital transformation as a consulting service.


Our Digital Services range from small digital solutions to innovation and large-scale digital transformation.
I can help clients embrace emerging technologies and start a digital journey to make their IT operations more efficient and profitable.

Digital Solution

Quick improvement by digital adaption

Digital Innovation

Bringing new digital business idea

Digital Transformation

Large-scale of business transformation

Digital Operation

Change management & Orchestration